For those of you who don't know me, you need to fully understand that I am literally a once in a lifetime generational athlete. A specimen who can without any doubt... kill a full grown bear with a knife. Don't believe me? Then you're actually a fucking dumbass, but thats okay. Let me leave you with some real life stats and footage here before we dig deeper into this. Premium members will have access to my step by step process of how I can seriously and actually kill a massive bear with just a knife.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 215lb (90% Muscle)
Speed: Never lost a race (man or animal) in my life
Agility: Imagine Tyreek Hill on steroids, but better
Bench: Probably 500lb as my warm up
Alphaness: Just look at the photo

This video here is me demonstrating my speed, coordination, and agility at ONLY 2.5% of my full generational athletic effort. 100% effort will be shown to Premium level members on the site (coming soon). Oh and by the way... I'm wearing a 200lb vest under my jersey.
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